11th Annual BIOECON Conference on
"Economic Instruments to Enhance the Conservation
and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity"

Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli - Venice, Italy
September 21-22, 2009


DAY 1:
DAY 2:



Don Sterpi Cloister, Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli

8.30 - 8.45
8.45 - 9.00
Welcome Address:
9.00 - 10.30
Plenary Session I:
Plenary Session II:
10.30 - 11.00
Coffee break Coffee break
11.00 - 13.00
Parallel Sessions 1 - 4 Parallel Sessions 11 - 14
13.00 - 14.00
Lunch Lunch
14.00 - 15.30
Parallel Sessions 5 - 7 Parallel Sessions 15 - 17
15.30 - 16.00
Coffee break Coffee break
16.00 - 17.30
Parallel Sessions 8 - 10 Parallel Sessions 18 - 20
17.30 - 18.30

European Investment Bank and Ca' Foscari University of Venice Department of Economics Discussion Panel:
Valuing Ecosystem Services: the Link Between Theory and Practice

Paulo A.L.D. NUNES, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei

Joshua BISHOP, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Switzerland
Peter CARTER, European Investment Bank
Nicolas KOSOY, United Nations Environment Programme
Sissel WAAGE, Business for Social Responsibility

Conservation International
Discussion Panel:
Applying Economic Instruments to Enable People to Conserve Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Claude GASCON, Conservation International


John REID, President, Conservation Strategy Fund
Marco CHIU, Advisor on Natural Resources Management, Ministry of Environment of Ecuador on behalf of Marcela Aguiñaga Vallejo, Environment Minister
Jennifer MORRIS, Ecosystem Finance, Conservation International
Eduard NIESTEN, Conservation International
18.30 - 19.30
Bioecon Partners Meeting
Social Dinner



8:30-8:45 Registration

8:45-9:00 Welcome Address
Carlo Carraro and Tim Swanson

9:00-10:30 Keynote Lecture 1
Chair: Chiara Travisi
Room: Aula Magna

Prof. Edward BARBIER, University of Wyoming, USA
Ecosystems as natural assets
Edward Barbier (2009) "Ecosystems as Natural Assets" Foundations and Trends in Microeconomics Vol 4 No. 8 (forthcoming).

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break, Don Sterpi Cloister

11:00-13:00 Parallel Sessions 1 - 4

Session 1 - University Research Sponsorship Programme (European Investment Bank)
Economic costs of climate related ecosystem services losses and the consequent macro-economic impacts
Moderator: Carlo Carraro
Aula Magna

Paulo A.L.D. NUNES, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy
A hybrid approach to the valuation of climate change effects on ecosystem services: evidence from European forests
Discussant: Andreas Kontoleon

Andrea GHERMANDI, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Climate change impacts on biodiversity and freshwater ecosystems values: meta-analytical results from a European case study
Discussant: Jan Bateman

Fabio EBOLI, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Italy
Macro economic assessment of climate change impacts: a regional and sectoral perspective
Discussant: Basil Manos

Francesco BOSELLO, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Italy
Macro-economic implications of biodiversity losses and other climate change impacts
Discussant: Anil Markandya

Session 2
Payments for environmental services
Moderator: Pushpam Kumar
Room: Sala Goldoni

Celia HARVEY, Conservation International, USA
Ecosystem services and payment for ecosystem services in Conservation International
[Please contact author for full paper at ]
Discussant: Ulf Narloch

Ulf NARLOCH, Department of land Economy, University of Cambridge, UK
Payments for agrobiodiversity conservation services (PACS): Creating incentive mechanisms for the sustained on-farm utilization of plant and animal genetic resources
Discussant: Luke Brander

Luke BRANDER, Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Scaling-up ecosystem service values: Using GIS and meta-analysis for value transfer
Discussant: Pushpam Kumar

Pushpam KUMAR, University of Liverpool, UK
Payment for land based ecosystem services: identification of capacity needs from India
Discussant: Celia Harvey

Session 3
Forest services and policy management

Moderator: Paula Horne
Room: Sala Vivaldi

Roland OLSCHEWSKI, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Switzerland
Economic trade-offs between carbon sequestration, timber production, and crop pollination in tropical forested landscapes
Discussant: Artti Juutinen

Artti JUUTINEN, University of Oulu, Finland
Does a voluntary conservation program result in a representative protected area network? The case of Finnish privately owned forests
[Please contact author for paper at ]
Discussant: Thomas Sembres

Thomas SEMBRES, University of Cambridge, UK
Understanding the impact of timber plantations on tropical deforestation: a cross country analysis
[Please contact author for paper at]
Discussant: Paula Horne

Paula HORNE, Pellervo Economic Research Institute PTT, Finland
Policy instruments in integrating biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration as a part of forest management
Discussant: Roland Olschewski

Session 4
Modelling ecosystem benefits

Moderator: Ben Groom
Room: Sala Canova

Anne BORGE JOHANNESEN, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Livestock as insurance and social status.Evidence from reindeer herding in Norway
Discussant: Estelle Midler

Estelle MIDLER, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, France
The REDD scheme to curb deforestation: an ill-defined system of incentives?
Discussant: Anders Skonhoft

Anders SKONHOFT, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
A bioeconomic sheep-vegetation trade-off model. An analysis of the Nordic sheep farming system
Discussant: Ben Groom

Ben GROOM, School of Oriental and African Studies, UK
The biodiversity bargaining problem
Discussant: Anne Borge Johannesen

13:00-14:00 Lunch, San Trovaso Restaurant

14:00-15:30 Parallel Sessions 5 - 7

Session 5
Conservation of ecosystem services and human welfare issues
Moderator: Will Turner
Room: Aula Magna

Ben GROOM, School of Oriental and African Studies, UK
Environmental services and poverty alleviation: Either, or, or both?
Discussant: Sheila Walsh

Sheila WALSH, Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California-San Diego, USA
How and why alternative incomes fail to reduce fishing and improve human welfare
Discussant: Will Turner

Will TURNER, Conservation International, USA
Global conservation and the alleviation of poverty
[Please contact author for full paper at]
Discussant: Ben Groom

Session 6
Conservation practices
Moderator: James Vause
Room: Sala Goldoni

Ayumi ONUMA, Institute of Energy Economics, University of Cologne, Germany and Keio University, Japan
Monetary and non-monetary benefits in bioprospecting and the behavior of the intermediary with traditional knowledge
Discussant: Mica Bennett

Mica BENNETT, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Indonesia
Ecocertification of jungle rubber: promise and realization
Discussant: James Vause

James VAUSE, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of UK Government, UK
Biodiversity offsets: moving from theory towards practice
Discussant: Ayumi Onuma

Session 7
Formal testing in survey valuation methods

Moderator: Maria Loureiro
Room: Sala Vivaldi

Andreas KONTOLEON, University of Cambridge, UK
Testing the theoretical consistency of stated preferences for tropical wildlife conservation
Discussant: Matleena Kniivilä

Matleena KNIIVILÄ, Pellervo Economic Research Institute (PTT), Finland
Consumer versus citizen preferences in contingent valuation: evidence on the role of question framing
[Please contact author for full paper at ]
Discussant: Maria Loureiro

Maria LOUREIRO, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Do experimental auction estimates for quasi-public good pass the scope test?
Discussant: Andreas Kontoleon

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break, Don Sterpi Cloister

16:00-17:30 Parallel Sessions 8 - 10

Session 8
Biodiversity and agricultural systems

Moderator: Anni Huhtala
Room: Aula Magna

Angela MÜNCH, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
The interdependency between biodiversity and socio-economic variables on a local and regional level: the cases of Bavaria and Thuringia, Germany
Discussant: Mattia Cai

Mattia CAI, University of Padoua, Italy
Protection outside protected areas: How are farming systems influencing biodiversity conservation in Natura 2000 areas?
Discussant: Anni Huhtala

Anni HUHTALA, MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Finland
Evaluating basis for a targeted environmental policy: do the opportunity costs of enhancing biodiversity differ between organic and conventional farms?
Discussant: Angela Münch

Session 9
Incentives and conservation
Moderator: Eduard Niesten
Room: Sala Goldoni

David N. BARTON, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research - NINA , Norway
Assessing the role of economic instruments in a policy mix for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision: a review of some methodological challenges
Discussant: John Reid

John REID, Conservation Strategy Fund, USA
Show them the money: Incentives for greener infrastructure
Discussant: Eduard Niesten

Eduard NIESTEN, Conservation International, USA
Incentives in marine conservation approaches: comparing buyouts, incentive agreements, and alternative livelihoods
Discussant: David N. Barton

Session 10
Tools for ecosystem services assessment relevant to corporate/business decision makers

Moderator: Fernando Villa
Room: Sala Vivaldi

Sissel WAAGE, Business for Social Responsibility, USA
Measuring corporate impact on ecosystems: a review of tools
Discussant: Joshua Bishop

Joshua BISHOP, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Switzerland
New Business Models for Biodiversity Conservation
Discussant: Ferdinando Villa

Ferdinando VILLA, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, University of Vermont, USA
ARIES, Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services: a new tool for ecosystem services assessment, planning, and valuation
Discussant: Sissel Waage

17:30-18:30 Discussion Panel 1
European Investment Bank and Ca' Foscari University of Venice Department of Economics Discussion Panel
Valuing Ecosystem Services: the Link Between Theory and Practice
Moderator: Paulo A.L.D. Nunes
Room: Aula Magna

Joshua BISHOP, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Switzerland
Peter CARTER, European Investment Bank
Nicolas KOSOY, United Nations Environment Programme
Sissel WAAGE, Business for Social Responsibility

18:30-19:30 BIOECON Partners Meeting
Room: Sala Canova

20:30 Conference Dinner
Le Maschere Restaurant, San Marco Mercerie, 760, Venezia


9:00-10:30 Keynote lecture 2
Chair: Paulo A.L.D. Nunes
Room: Aula Magna

Professor Anil MARKANDYA, University of Bath, UK
How useful have economists been to the cause of biodiversity conservation?

10:30-11:00 Coffee break, Don Sterpi Cloister

11:00-13:00 Parallel Sessions 11 - 14

Session 11

Costs and benefits of conservation
Moderator: Jan Bateman
Room: Aula Magna

Aaron BRUNER, Conservation International, USA
The cost and benefit of PAs globally
[Please contact author for full paper at ]
Discussant: Daniel Rondeau

Daniel RONDEAU, University of Victoria, Canada
Measuring the costs of conservation: willingness-to-accept measures of the impacts of protected areas in Africa
Discussant: Salvatore Di Falco

Salvatore DI FALCO, London School of Economics , UK
On adaptation to climate change and food production in the Nile basin, Ethiopia
Discussant: Chiara Travisi

Ian BATEMAN, University of East Anglia, UK
Saving Sumatra's species: combining economics and ecology to define an efficient and self-sustaining program for inducing conservation within oil palm plantations
Discussant: Aaron Bruner

Session 12
Modelling and valuation of alien species, bioprospecting and technological change

Moderator: Duncan Knowler
Room: Sala Goldoni

Paul MWEBAZE, aFood and Environment Research Agency (FERA), UK
Economic valuation of the influence of invasive alien species on the national economy of Seychelles
Discussant: Xiaoying Liu

Xiaoying LIU, University College London, UK
The biodiversity governance in Xinjiang China. Liquorice management as an example
Discussant: Tapio Palokangas

Tapio PALOKANGAS, University of Helsinki, HECER and IIASA, Finland
Biodiversity management with lobbying and technological change
Discussant: Duncan Knowler

Duncan KNOWLER, School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University, Canada
A monopolistic competition economic model of the horticultural industry with a risk of harmful plant invasion
Discussant: Paul Mwebaze

Session 13
Marine and coastal ecosystems

Moderator: Nalini Rao
Room: Sala Vivaldi

Rady Talaat TAWFIK, Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment, University of East Anglia, UK
Visitor preferences for coral reef conservation in Ras Mohammed National Park
Discussant: Andrea Ghermandi

Andrea GHERMANDI, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy
The values of coastal ecosystems for recreation and passive uses: a global analysis
Discussant: Adriana Ressurreição

Adriana RESSURREIÇÃO, University of Azores, Portugal
An economic valuation of marine biodiversity: a multi-case contingent study
[Please contact author for full paper at]
Discussant: Nalini Rao

Nalini RAO, Conservation International, USA
Meta-analysis of ecosystem service values for shoreline and coastal protection
[Please contact author for full paper at ]
Discussant: Rady Talaat Tawfik

Session 14
Conservation, game theory and lab experiments

Moderator: Daan van Soest
Room: Sala Canova

Friket ADAMAN, Bogaziçi University, Turkey
The political economy of a conservation site: the case of Uluabat Lake, Turkey
Discussant: Marian Weber

Marian WEBER, Alberta Research Council, Canada
Transferable disturbance permits for biodiversity conservation: assessment of implementation options
[Please contact author for full paper at]
Discussant: Devesh Rustagi

Devesh RUSTAGI, Institute for Environmental Decisions ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Strong reciprocity and participatory forest management in Ethiopia
[Please contact author for full paper at]
Discussant: Daan van Soest

Daan VAN SOEST, Vu University Amsterdam and Tilburg University, The Netherlands
From the lab to the field: cooperation among fishermen
Discussant: Friket Adaman

13:00-14:00 Lunch, San Trovaso Restaurant

14:00-15:30 Parallel Sessions 15 - 17

Session 15
Valuing biodiversity in developing countries

Moderator: Sonja Teelucksingh
Room: Aula Magna

Charles PALMER, London School of Economics, UK
Paper tigers, fences-&-fines or co-management? Community conservation agreements in Indonesia’s Lore Lindu National Park
Discussant: Mike Christie

Mike CHRISTIE, Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences, Aberystwyth University, UK
An evaluation of economic and non-economic techniques for assessing the importance of biodiversity to people in developing countries
Discussant: Sonja Teelucksingh

Sonja TEELUCKSINGH, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Italy
The ménage à trois of biodiversity, human welfare and developing countries: Can valuation techniques reveal the true nature of this relationship?
Discussant: Charles Palmer

Session 16
Forest ecosystems

Moderator: Kyriaki Remoundou
Room: Sala Goldoni

Keith LAWRENCE, Conservation International, USA
The merits of 'green economies': The Atlantic forest of Brazil and Papua / Papua Barat, Indonesia
[Please contact author for full paper at ]
Discussant: Helen Ding

Helen DING, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Italy
Economic modelling of biodiversity in the scenario of global change: results from an European study on forests
Discussant: Kiriaki Remoundou

Kiriaki REMOUNDOU, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Valuing government trust: a choice experiment application to forest fires
Discussant: Keith Lawrence

Session 17
The role of stakeholder perspective, public/social preferences in valuation
Moderator: Arianne de Blaeij
Room: Sala Vivaldi

Ananthakrishnan RAMANATHAN, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Valuing stakeholder preferences on improved conservation and management of kol wetland: a contingent valuation study
Discussant: Diane Burgess

Diane BURGESS, Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute AFBI, Northern Ireland
Public attitudes to changing landscapes: implications for biodiversity
Discussant: Arianne de Blaeij

Arianne DE BLAEJI, LEI-WUR - Public Issues Division, The Netherlands
Social preferences for exploiting commercial wetlands
Discussant: Ananthakrishnan Ramanathan

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break, Don Sterpi Cloister

16:00-17:30 Parallel Sessions 18 - 20

Session 18
Forest ecosystems

Moderator: Aline Chiabai
Room: Aula Magna

Synergetic effects of international policy instruments to reduce deforestation: a cross-country panel-data analysis
Discussant: Erkki Mantymaa

Erkki MANTYMAA, University of Oulu, Finland
Participation and Compensation Claims in Voluntary Forest Conservation: A Case of Privately Owned Forests in Finland
[Please contact author for paper on]
Discussant: Aline Chiabai

Aline CHIABAI, Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), Spain
Economic valuation of forest ecosystem services: methodology and monetary estimates
Discussant: Solenn Leplay

Session 19
Biodiversity and climate change
Moderator: Jonah Busch
Room: Sala Goldoni

Elena OJEA, Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), Spain
Towards a methodology for the costs of ecosystem adaptation: forest ecosystems in India
Discussant: Angel Bujosa Bestard

Angel BUJOSA BESTARD, Centre de Recerca Econòmica - Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain
The role of temperature and other environmental factors on coastal choice. An application to Spanish domestic tourism
Discussant: Jonah Busch

Jonah BUSCH, Conservation International, USA
Climate change and the cost of conserving biodiversity in Madagascar
Discussant: Elena Ojea

Session 20
Biodiversity and agricultural systems

Moderator: Giulia Macagno
Room: Sala Vivaldi

Vincent MARTINET, Economie Publique, UMR INRA and AgroParisTech, France
Agricultural land-use and biological conservation
Discussant: Simon Drummond

Simon DRUMMOND, AEDA - University of Queensland, Australia
Conserving biodiversity in production landscapes
[Please contact author for paper at ]
Discussant: Giulia Macagno

Giulia MACAGNO, School of Advanced Studies in Venice Foundation, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Italy
Agricultural pressures on biodiversity conservation: an analysis of the effectiveness of Natura 2000 network in Italy
Discussant: Vincent Martinet

17:30-18:30 Discussion Panel 2
Conservation International Discussion Panel
Applying Economic Instruments to Enable People to Conserve Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Moderator: Claude Gascon, Conservation International
Room: Aula Magna


John REID, President, Conservation Strategy Fund
Marco CHIU, Advisor on Natural Resources Management, Ministry of Environment of Ecuador on behalf of Marcela Aguiñaga Vallejo, Environment Minister
Jennifer MORRIS, Ecosystem Finance, Conservation International
Eduard NIESTEN, Conservation International