Property-related mechanisms for biodiversity conservation
Rome (Italy), 30-31 May 2002
Josh Bishop, IUCN and IIED:
Role of Incentive Mechanisms in Biodiversity Conservation
Session 1: BIOECONomic Modelling
Anders Skonhoft and Anne Borge Johannesen:
Property Rights and Natural Resource Conservation. A BIOECONomic Model with numerical illustrations from the Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem.
Erwin H. Bulte, Richard D. Horan, and Charles F. Mason:
Banking on Extinction: Endangered Species and Speculation
Session 2: Dividing Property Rights
Paula Horne and Leena Petäjistö:
Benefits and Costs of Moose Population to Private Landowners.
Andreas Kontoleon and Timothy Swanson:
The WTP for Property Rights for the Giant Panda: Can a Charismatic Species be Used as an Instrument for the Conservation of Natural Habitat?
Session 3: Commons Problems
Jana Vyrastekova and Daan van Soest:
Centralized common pool management and local community participation
Julia Touza-Montero and Charles Perrings:
Property Rights and Forest Management: Spatial Interactions in a Communal Forest
Session 4: Genetic Diversity Conservation
Salvatore di Falco and Charles Perrings:
Genetic Diversity, Externalities and Property Rights
Detlef Virchow and Carmen Richerzhagen:
Sustainable Utilization of Crop Genetic Diversity through Property Rights Mechanisms? The Case of Coffee Genetic Resources in Ethiopia
Session 5: Incentive Systems
Jean Michel Salles, Estelle Motte and Martine Antona:
Property Rights in Madagascar Biodiversity Policies
Paul J. Ferraro and R. David Simpson:
Effective Investments for Habitat Conservation: Cost-Effective Conservation Payments
Session 6: Economic Interdependence
Timo Goeschl and Danilo Igliori:
Reconciling Biodiversity Conservation and Economic Development through Property Rights: An Analysis of Extractive Reserves in the Brazilian Amazon
Gardner Brown:
Different Property Rights Regimes and Policy Tradeoffs in the Lake Victoria Multiple Species Fishery
Session 7: Designing Property Right Systems
Pablo Eyzaguirre, Susan Bragdon, and Evan Dennis:
From Patents to Traditional Resource Rights, the panorama from plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.
Arto Naskali:
Designing ecological property rights