"The Effectiveness and Efficiency of Biodiversity Conservation Instruments"
Sidney Sussex College Cambridge
September 28-30, 2008

8:00-9:00 Breakfast
8:30-9:00 Late Registration at Conference Office
9:00-9:05 Welcome
9:05-10:05 Keynote address
Moderator: Daan van Soest
Room: Mong Hall
Prof. JunJie Wu
Targeting Payments for Ecosystem Services
10:05-10:45 Parallel Sessions
Session 1
Evolutionary appraoches
Moderator: van Soest
Room: Mong Hall
The economic repercussions of fisheries-induced evolution
Anne Maria Eikeset
Discussant: van Soest
[Please contact author for paper at a.m.eikeset@bio.uio.no ]
Session 2
Crop diversity
Moderator: Paulo Nunes
Room: The Old Library
Agro-ecosystem productivity in developing countries: the economics of crop biodiversity in the highlands of Ethiopia
Salvatore Di Falco
Discussant: Paulo Nunes
Session 3
Moderator: Martin Quaas
Room: Garden Court
Intellectual property rights and North-South hold-up problem in sequential R&D
Mare Sarr
Discussant: Martin Quaas
[Please contact author for paper at m.sarr@ucl.ac.uk ]
10:45-11:10 Coffee and refreshments
11:10-12:30 Parallel Sessions
Session 4
Evolutionary approaches
Moderator: Eric Naevdal
Room: Mong Hall
The evolution of social norms for renewable resource exploitation
Andries Richter
Discussant: Eric Neavdal
[Please contact author for paper at andries.richter@wur.nl ]
Animal rationality and implications for resource management – the case of biological reserves for moose and pine
Eric Naevdal
Discussant: Andries Richter
Session 5
Optimal conservation
Moderator: Quaas
Room: The Old Library
Efficient biodiversity management through shadow price evaluation: on instruments of landscape design, farmers’ supply and citizens’ demand
Ernst-August Nuppenau
Discussant: Martin Quaas
Sushi or fish fingers - preferences for diversity and the sustainability of fisheries
Martin Quaas
Discussant: Ernst-August Nuppenau
Session 6
Genetic diversity
Moderator: Elisabetta Gotor
Room: Garden Court
Potentials of green consumerism for landrace conservation: evidence from eggplant production sector of India
Unai Pascual
Discussant: Elisabetta Gotor
Field coffee collections at risk: can cryopreservation help to ensure their long term security?
Elisabetta Gotor
Discussant: Unai Pascual
12:30-14:00 Lunch & Coffee (College Hall)
14:00-15:20 Parallel Sessions
Session 7
Moderator: Julia Touza
Room: Mong Hall
Economic interdependency through interconnected species exploitation
Wenting Chen
Discussant: Julia Touza
Coping with spatial structure in the collaborative management of a mobile ecological resource
Julia Touza
Discussant: Wenting Chen
Session 8
Ecosystem assessment
Moderator: Helen Ding
Room: The Old Library
Orientation on the mapping of biodiversity values: a plural perspective
Elena Ojea
Discussant: Helen Ding
An environmental economics outlook of the climate change impact on forest ecosystem goods and services biodiversity on human wellbeing: results from a MEA application to Europe
Helen Ding
Discussant: Elena Ojea
Session 9
Moderator: Markus Groth
Room: Garden Court
Applying competitive tenders for the provision of ecosystem services at the landscape scale
Stuart Whitten
Discussant: Markus Groth
Private ex-ante transaction costs for repeated biodiversity conservation auctions: a case study
Markus Groth
Discussant: Stuart Whitten
15:20-15:40 Coffee and refreshments
15:40-17:00 Parallel Sessions
Session 10
Social Norms
Moderator: Jan Stoop
Room: Mong Hall
Local common property exploitation with rewards
Anne Borge Johannesen
Discussant: Jan Stoop
A tale of two carrots: the effectiveness of multiple reward stages in a common pool resource game
Jan Stoop
Discussant: Anne Borge Johannesen
Session 11
Moderator: Helge Berglann
Room: The Old Library
Payments for ecosystem services and motivation in the context of illegal behaviours; opportunities for biodiversity conservation or perverse incentives?
Matthew Sommerville
Discussant: Helge Berglann
[Please contact author for paper at m.sommerville06@imperial.ac.uk ]
Quantity control and optimal response to non-compliance
Helge Berglann
Discussant: Matthew Sommeville
Session 12
Ecosystem assessment
Moderator: JM Salles
Room: Garden Court
Long run outcomes of conservation expenditures: watershed destruction, rehabilitation and protection in Hawaii
Brooks Kaiser
Discussant: Vanja Westerberg
Eliciting Biodiversity and Landscape Trade-off in Landscape Projects: Pilot Study in the Anciens Marais des Baux, Provence, France
Vanja Westerberg
Discussant: Brooks Kaiser
17:00-18:30 Policy Round Table
Payment for Ecosystem Services
Moderator: Andreas Kontoleon
Room: Mong Hall
18:30-20:00 Free programme
18:30-19:00 BioEcon Partners Meeting (by invitation)
19:30-20:00 Drinks at Cloister Court
20:00-22:00 Conference Banquet (College Hall)
7:30-8:30 Breakfast
8:00-8:30 Check out – return keys and store suitcases at Conference Office
8:30-9:50 Parallel Sessions
Session 13
Moderator: Stuart Whitten
Room: Mong Hall
Testing for scope and scale efficiencies in water quality tenders: a north Queensland case study.
John Rolfe
Discussant: Stuart Whitten
Designing and testing an outcome focused conservation auction: evidence from a field trial targeting ground nesting birds
Stuart Whitten
Discussant: Markus Groth
Session 14
Protected areas
Moderator: Martin Drechsler
Room: The Old Library
Location affects protection: observable characteristics drive park impacts in Costa Rica
Alex Pfaff
Discussant: Martin Drechsler
Stay by thy neighbor? Structure formation, coordination and costs in tradable permit markets with spatial trading rules
Martin Drechsler
Discussant: Alex Pfaff
Session 15
Contingent Valuation
Moderator: Maria Loureiro
Room: Garden Court
Consumers versus non-consumers' benefits from recovering an overexploited fish stock
Elena Ojea
Discussant: Y. Koundouris
Economic valuation of environmental damages caused by the Prestige Oil Spill
Maria Loureiro
Discussant: Giulia Macagno
9:50-10:10 Coffee and refreshments
10:10-11:30 Parallel Sessions
Session 16
Impact assessment
Moderator: Katrina Mullan
Room: Mong Hall
Deforestation impacts of environmental services payments: the evolution (2000-2005) of the Costa Rican PSA program
Alex Pfaff
Discussant: Katrina Mullan
An evaluation of the impact of the Natural Forest Protection Programme on rural household livelihoods
Katrina Mullan
Discussant: Alex Pfaff
Session 17
Species conservation
Moderator: Timo Goeschl
Room: The Old Library
State and not-for-profit delivery of species conservation. Cost utility analysis of multiple-species projects
Ross Cullen
Discussant: Timo Goeschl
Optimal conservation, extinction debt, and the augmented quasi-option value
Timo Goeschl
Discussant: Ross Cullen
Session 18
Moderator: Giulia Macagno
Room: Mong Hall
A meta-analysis of international ecotourism recreation values
Eric Ling
Discussant: Giulia Macagno
[To be added]
Assessing the impact of biodiversity on tourism flows: a case study from Ireland
Giulia Macagno
Discussant: Eric Ling
11:30-12:30 Keynote address
Moderator: Bulte
Room: Mong Hall
Dr. Ian Bateman
Title: Valuing X (when X is unknown)
12:30-14:00 Lunch & Coffee (College Hall)
14:00-15:20 Parallel Sessions
Session 19
Effectiveness of conservation rules
Moderator: Aidan Keane
Room: Garden Court
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of yellow-eyed penguin recovery
Jonah Busch
Discussant: Aidan Keane
How do avoidance behaviours, monitor ‘cheating’ and individual heterogeneity affect individual incentives to comply with conservation rules?
Aidan Keane
Discussant: Jonah Busch
[Please contact author for paper at aidan.keane@imperial.ac.uk]
Session 20
Habitat fragmentation
Moderator: Simanti Banerjee
Room: The Old Library
An agglomeration payment for cost-effective biodiversity conservation in spatially structured landscapes
Frank Wätzolt
Discussant: Simanti Banerjee
Incentive mechanisms for spatially contiguous habitat management: the agglomeration bonus in the presence of technological externalities in different neighbourhoods
Simanti Banerjee
Discussant: Frank Wätzolt
Session 21
Risk management
Moderator: Martin Quaas
Room: Garden Court
The optimal management of wetlands: quantifying trade-offs between flood risks, recreation and biodiversity conservation
Yiannis Kountouris
Discussant: Martin Quaas
Managing increasing environmental risks through agro-biodiversity and agri-environmental policies
Martin Quaas
Discussant: Yiannis Kountouris
15:20-15:30 Coffee and refreshments
15:30-16:50 Parallel Sessions
Session 22
Optimal conservation
Moderator: Rick Horan
Room: Mong Hall
A meta-analysis of forest management programs: What Management Alternatives are Most Preferable?
Melina Barrio
Discussant: Rick Horan
Indirect management of invasive species through bio-controls: a bioeconomic model of salmon and alewife in Lake Michigan
Rick Horan
Discussant: Melina Barrio
Session 23
Fisheries management
Moderator: Anne Maria Eikeset
Room: The Old Library
Framing and training to reduce starting point bias in choice experiments
Rolf Groeneveld
Discussant: Maria Loureiro
Session 24
Water resources
Moderator: Jeff Bennett
Room: Garden Court
An optimal pricing approach for the control of EU urban pollution: implementation of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive
Jihad Elnaboulsi
Discussant: Jeff Bennett
Estimating household water demand using Revealed and contingent behaviors: evidence from Viet Nam
Jeff Bennett
Discussant: Jihad Elnaboulsi